by Tiago Ribeiro

Replicant is a very simple Chess Engine that can only run on the Tim Mann's Winboard Graphical User Interface.

I haven't implemented 'hashtables' or 'tablebases' yet, but Replicant can play under the full rules of chess :-) It recognizes the Stalemate Condition, the Draws by both the three fold repetition rule and the 50 moves rule, etc.

I think
Replicant can be closed to 2000 ELO! Try it!



Winboard Replicant Setup and Requirements:

Put the following Commands Lines in the Winboard.ini File: 
"Replicant" /fd="c:\chess\Replicant" 

"Replicant" /sd="c:\chess\Replicant" 

Dowload Replicant 1.2e   New!!! 2002/02/09

Dowload Replicant rnd 1.2a    New!!! 2002/02/09

Last Release: 

Version 1.2e: 2002/02/09


Version rnd: 

Version 1.2a: 2002/02/09

  • Some random evaluation (pieces values; strategic...)
  • Every time you start Winboard + engine you get a new 'personality' with a different behavior! 
    This version don't play better than original but it's much more fun play with this. This gives some inconstant temperament (like humans) at engine :)))
  • This version needs cygwin.dll.


Tiago Ribeiro from Portugal!